This wasn't what I was supposed to hear.
But later in the day, I did find (in a pile of books) a lovely book about the night sky and constellations.
This for me launched my project.
I began making A1 sketches from this small book based upon the data I read and the images within it.
Ink and nib.
Inks, using the text that spoke about the movements in the sky throughout February.
5 minutes. Only using lines and dots. Charcoal on a stick.
Ink and oil bar.
After reading the book and responding to it, I have come to think that I enjoyed the data I read, however translating this into drawings that i can take inspiration from for my work will prove challenging. This is someone else's drawings, and a historical example of how people and astronomers have read the nights sky.
I need to think about this idea and do some further research before I limit myself too much.