I have chosen to split my project up into 3 stages. I have grouped my samples within these stages to show how I developed the project to the final samples.
Board 1 - This shows my early influences of Leutton Postle, Buckminster Fuller and Sacred Geometry.
I have also included some early samples where I was investigating surface and material.
Board 2 - Here I began to look closer into nature and colour. I have selected a colour pallet and investigated how to apply colour to the rubber. I have also began to think about a final context of jewellery.
Board 3 - This board shows my final colours and samples. I have included context pictures and the swatches.
Throughout the project, the key themes I have been exploring are Geometry and surface. I am pleased with my outcome and feel that this answers the brief accordingly. I struggled at first with the small time scale, but once I got into the habit and routine of being in the studio everyday, I realised that I was working more efficiently and producing results in time. I have learnt the importance of using the space provided and the advantages of having my own area in which to work in. I am pleased with my final samples as I feel although they are simple, I have developed through the project and finished with some quality work.