As part of the degree show, there is an opportunity for students to showcase work in the entrance and cafe spaces of the school of art. I applied and pitched for this opportunity, as I would like to work to commission after I finish university. I proposed a series of nets to be displayed in two sites within the school of art. It was challenging to develop a proposal that could be displayed in the spaces as the university has very strict hanging restrictions and rules about what work is shown. I developed some visualisations in a variety of sites around the school of art to show how my idea could work.
After experimenting, I decided on two possible sites for my piece. I planned to create a series of identity nets from 16mm synthetic hemp rope and display them as an interactive installation that I would encourage visitors to the degree show to experience. The glass box site at the front of the building is a hotly contested site, but I feel this is a perfect site for an installation. One of the drawbacks is I cannot hang the ropes from the ceiling, however after speaking with the technicians, we have agreed that building a frame from 2x2 timber would be sufficient to support the weight. If we paint the structure black, it should blend into the industrial feel of the school of art and appear seamless.
I also proposed for a site on the third floor. This is a darker space that already has a hanging rail in place, which would be easier to suspend the ropes from. I ideally would like the lights angled to shine onto the floor to create an environment that can be interacted with and explored by visitors. I also visualised the possibility of using the spotlights already in place to create a shadow onto the wall behind. This version would be cheaper to produce and involve less nets, but still communicate the same ideas about identity, data and communication.
had a mixed reaction from the pitch, with the main feedback being that the
panel liked my concept, but not my execution. They have encouraged me to
revisit my earlier net drawings and re pitch these. I struggled to get my head
around this at first, as I have never produced something so simple as a final
piece. After some experimentation, I put forward the idea of displaying six
nets drawn on A2 paper. I changed the colours slightly to reflect the
industrial colours of the school of art. I wanted to use a combination of
student numbers, however all third year student numbers start with the same
four numbers. I felt in using similar numbers the final effect would not
display a range. I chose to use six numbers that have relevance to me. This way
the final image will be a reflection of my identity. The panel really liked
this new approach and have agreed to take my identity nets on. I also showed
them the collaborative video I made for the art maze. They asked me to make
some slight amendments to it and display this next to my net drawings. I am
thrilled to have had this opportunity in pitching and presenting as it has enhanced
my experience, portfolio and CV.