Whilst I was there, I began to sketch some of the machinery that's function related to time and measurements. I then started to realise that I was getting distracted by the amount of children running around: we had come in the middle of half term. I quickly thought, that this was actually interesting as the museum isn't normally as busy as this. And at this moment in time, the room was filled with kids running around playing with the activities everywhere.
I got my camera out and set it to take long exposure photographs of this moment. Capturing moments in time.
The first image I took was on a 30sec exposure in the main entrance.
I really like certain elements of this photograph, especially the bleached out areas and how it looks almost foggy inside.
I started to run with this idea, and took lot's more photographs inside and outside with varying exposures of my trip around the museum. Each photograph documents a moment in time that I saw moving around.
Outside the museum, there is an old fashioned steam engine which transports the public from one side of the museum to the other regularly. I feel like these photographs are my most successful of the day. I love the bleached out elements and how only certain parts of the image is revealed. This has intrigued me to take this idea further.
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