Monday, 19 May 2014

Freddie Robbins

Freddie Robbins
The Perfect Skins, 2007
machine knitted wool, metal rail
1800 × 800 × 100 mm

Installed at Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum, Bergen, Norway
“It’s not perfect, but who cares?” Well I do. I enjoy imperfection in you and yours but not in me and mine. I am very attracted to the imperfections, failings, and roughness of the material world. I enjoy the evidence of human hands, the inevitable wear and repair of objects. I love the obviously hand-made. But I suffer from being a perfectionist.'

Robbins has used knit here to create a second layer of skin. I like how they have been left un worn as though there is only a trace of the body remaining. This extension could also be seen as a restriction as the outline of the body only remains. If worn all personality would be lost and wearers would become the same body. It is almost like a discarded protective layer of skin

I love this concept of leaving a trace of the body behind. I want to explore knit further and how I can create a trace of skin through a knitted surface.

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